[REF] REFERENCE: points at which the text refers to common bodies of knowledge (i.e. cultural codes, broadly speaking)
[HER] HERMENEUTIC: "all the units whose function it is to articulate ni various ways a question, its response, and the variety of chance events which can either formulate the question or delay its answer; or even, constitute and enigma and lead to its solution" (S/Z, 17).
[ANT] ANTITHESIS: Brings out a contrast in meaning.
[DIS] DISCOURSE: Enables the repeated relations with objects, subjects, and statements or enunciations Composed systems of thoughts, ideas, attitudes that constitutes speaking subjects.
[MEME] MEME: Abstraction of complex body of ideas, unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. Catchphrase or concept that spreads rapidly from person to person via the Internet. Similar to a sign.
[SEM] SEMIC: the unit of the signifier, an approximate word that the connotative signifier refers to.
[CINE] CINEMATIC: Pertaining to the modes of visual (re)presentation common in the formal practices of the apparatus of cinema. [QST] QUESTION: An interrogative sentence structure that attempts to provoke and/or commands an answer or whose structure marks knowledge, analysis, synthesis or rhetorical strategies.