
but man in debt. It is true that
capitalism [
has retained as a constant
the extreme
of three quarters of humanity, [[ANT] Just as “man” is marked by debt, so are the “3/4 of humanity,” situated as an antithesis, marked and disciplined by a regime of visibility and reiteration. It is “man,” marked by debt, whose position is reliant on the ‘too poor’ or ‘too numerous’ for its denotative meaning. [QST] Is not the three quarters also marked—Third World, Fourth World, developing, and even marked by the debt of structural adjustment? Why do these spaces become reconstituted as a site for battle, as filled with potential, yet always already marked by that which relies on its opposition? In what ways does denotation, that which references the sign, attempt to depoliticize and make equal hierarchies of meaning, whose existence, while plural, is produced in and through a particular discourse?
[ANT: ANTITHESIS]] too poor for debt***, [http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/hipc.htm] [[CINE] Bamako (2006) puts the IMF/World Bank on trial. [CINE: CINEMATIC
02 Bamako Film-Extrait
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too numerous for confinement [http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2008/05/21/us/21fencegraphic.ready.html]: control [The "relative failure to impose order [does not] mean that the dominant are any less powerful; on the contrary: it only means that the effectivity of their resources and forms of exercise of power is uncertain. Stronger still, it is precisely because of this uncertainty that order is consciously conceived as a task, a problem, an obsession.." ("In The Realm of Uncertainty", 177).]


] but with the explosions [[DIS] "When responding in a timely fashion to events that stupefy, it is important not to respond stupidly, reactively, with a reflexive negation that merely reproduces the dialectical terms of Wedom and Theydom. Rather, one has to deploy tactics that display a certain ironic knowledge about how the vector works, and which attempts to reach that everyday interzone where, in the wake of the event, boundaries seem to dissolve, and irony finds its intemperate time" (Wark, 273). [DIS: DISCOURSE: TACTICAL]] within shanty towns or ghettos." [

"The Indian thus returned to the ghetto, in the glass coffin of the virgin forest, again becomes the model of simulation of all the possible Indians from before ethnology... Of course, these savages are posthumous: frozen cryogenized, sterilized, protected to death, they have become referential simulacra, and science itself has become pure simulation..."
... "We have all become living specimens in the spectral light of ethnology, or of antiethnology, which is nothing but the pure form of triumphal ethnology, under the sign of dead differences, and of the resurrection of differences. It is thus very naive to look for ethnology in the Savages or in some Third World -- it is here, everywhere, in the metropolises, in the White community, in a world completely cataloged and analyzed, then artificially resurrected under the auspices of the real, in a world of simulation, of the hallucination of truth, of the blackmail of the real, of the murder of every symbolic form and of its hysterical, historical retrospection -- a murder of which the Savages, noblesse oblige, were the first victims, but that for a long time has extended to all Western societies."
- The Precession of Simulcra, p.8-9 [MEME:MEME] [DIS:DISCOURSE: POSTMODERNISM]]
Above is a visual diagrammed model of my project. Even in this format, there were items that could not be fully represented such as websites, as well as the redirection from one site to another that is present in the other model. More importantly, however, there is something in the navigability of the virtual that is lost in this representation. In this first model, I wanted to explore the ways in which the shift in the digital interface changes a close reading of the text in a physical network that relies on navigation and openings and how traditional representations become insufficient in certain aspects. In this method, the enclosure of the (meta) text appears more evident with little options for searching or navigation through option. It doesn't allow for entrance into the text through multiple ways, but instead offers up a kind of mapping of the text, almost cinematic [CINE] in quality.